Unbiased Development for an Objective, Binary Result
MammaPrint assesses the activity of the 70-genes in tumor tissue most associated with the development of breast cancer metastasis.
By analyzing the expression level of these genes, which are isolated from a tumor biopsy, using a unique and proprietary algorithm, MammaPrint can classify the patient as being at either a genomic High or Low Risk of recurrence, with a genomic Low Risk indicating that there is no significant benefit from chemotherapy.
These 70 genes were identified based on unbiased evaluation of the full genome (25,000 genes) in tumor samples from untreated breast cancer patients.
Using samples from patients that were untreated, prevented any type of treatment influencing the outcome. The MammaPrint result is based on the patient’s true biology.1,2
MammaPrint does not reassess traditional breast cancer markers such as estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status, Ki67 or HER2, which are already assessed during traditional clinicopathology assessment. The discovery of the 70 genes was completely unbiased and did not rely on current knowledge or literature; analysis of the tumor biology itself uncovered those genes most predictive of breast cancer recurrence.
Clinical Performance
Demonstrating the Clinical Utility of MammaPrint: The MINDACT Trial


- Van ‘t Veer L., Nature 2002; 415 (31) : 530-536 2 Van de Vijver MJ, N Engl J Med 2002; 347 (24): 1999-2009 3 Hu M. Cancer Cell. 2008; 13(5):394-406
- Cardoso F. N Engl J Med 2016; 375: 715-729 5 Hudis CA. N Engl J Med 2016; 375: 790-791